I'm hating myself for being bothered for something that isn't against my principles. But the reason that I and others are this is mainly because we were told this was unthinkable 10 years ago.
Also, because my tiny hope that the GB would change something about the protecionism is shrinking as they are even more looking like evengelicals in their procedures, but the important things they should copy they don't even look at ( disfellowshipping, only true religion, two classes of christians etc.)
There's something interesting about this issue on the songs that is similar to what happened here in Brazil. Here all the evangelicals have the custom of saying "peace of the Lord" to other evangelicals as a greeting. There's obviously nothing wrong in this but just because this was a "mark" of the evangelicals we were severely but indirectly reprimed from doing so.
Well, after that I don't know anymore.